Sunday, February 27, 2011

Quick Update

Finished up the basing for the IG models and I'm very happy with how they turned out.


Today was pretty busy at work so I didn't get much time to think on wargaming, however i have some time off coming in the week. A quick thing I'd like to get done on my off days is finish up my Ork BFG fleet. I bumped into them scrounging through my models the other day as well as a few Eldar escorts. I know a few of the guys at the local FLGS have some random fleets and having something always fully painted for each game system makes it so easy to just pick up and play.

For painting tomorrow I've got some heavy weapon teams and some Pig Iron feral troopers for the IG commission penal legionnaires squad.


The other half

Hello readers!
The introduction: My name is Ulyses and I, just like my twin brother love to wargame. I started as most of us do with games workshop games but I have since moved into warmachine, malifaux and some other smaller games. Im looking forward to making this blog an insightful and interesting forum to show the best aspects about this hobby that we all love. Soon I will be posting up pictures of my minis I am working on and begin to document my journey into the new and unfamiliar waters that is mantic games. Stay tuned!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Painting points and Warmahordes.

An important aspect of this new blog will be the hobby side. Constant updates as to what is occupying my work desk. At the moment I have an army of guard for a long since overdue commission. It's pretty cool actually, lots of different units, tanks and super heavy items as well as a smattering of Tau and various other random miniature lines. Today I accomplished a Techpriest Engineseer, 2 Servitors and 3 Catatchans. Pics to come when they are all dry.

With these models I will also start a painting points program that I first learned about from The Gamers Lounge. I like everyone else who seems to track painting points will create and tweak off of the Lone Pilgrim Model.

15mm 0.5pts
28-32mm 1pt
40mm 2pts
50mm-60mm 3pts
Vehicles /Dreadnoughts 5pts
Super Heavies 10pts

My goal is to reach 200pts by the end of the year. Models will only count towards points if they are fully painted, based and posted on the blog. Additionally when I purchase a model I must track the points value beside the points earned by painting looking like this:
Points Earned/Models Purchased  or as my PE/MP

Tomorrow when the bases dry and I have a chance to throw them up here I'll have earned my first few points!

In other brief news I signed up for a demo game of Warmahordes on Wednesday at my FLGS. I have a few Legion items and they seem to be a top tier force. I did purchase them for a bargain and the Shredders and Carnivean really drew me to the faction. hopefully I'll enjoy the rules as much as everyone else around here seems to and pick up another game for my repertoire. News on this later.



Friday, February 25, 2011

Beginning the Blog, What are we doing here?

Hello Everyone, welcome to!

We are the Colon twins, my name is Adriel and I've been wargaming for about 9 years. I first started off with Warhammer 40k back in middle school and have progressed through Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim, Battlefleet Gothic, Malifaux, Flames of War and so many other games. I've started up a modest commission painting service,, and am an amateur sculptor. I'm huge into the hobby side of the game and equally obsessed with tournament play. I just can't get enough of wargaming, new game systems and indy miniature companies.

The purpose of this blog is to follow the gaming exploits of my brother and myself. Since we both have graduated from college we found that our regular wargaming time was becoming more and more strained. We are wargaming junkies after all and need our fix. So Since I'm in Albany and he is in NYC we will utilize this blog to reconnect with each other and chronicle our wargaming updates. We will regularly be posting images of our hobby, tournament reports, wargaming news perspectives and pretty much anything else we care to share. Though the intention of this blog is to create a repository for all things wargaming related to us we won't shy away from passing that information onto the ether. We invite you to sit back, follow us and dive into our wargaming world. Comments are openly welcome regardless of opinion and we will respond to anyone that wishes to participate. Our overriding principles, play games, have fun, and improve your wargaming side!
